Monday, 15 April 2019

Arranging Games and Streaming

Arranging Games:

Games can be arranged by tagging your opponent in the Facebook group, group chat and sending them a direct message.  

If you fail to respond to a message or tagged comment trying to arrange a game by 24h before the next advance you risk being put on autopilot.

 If you back out of a game within the final 2 hours of a game week a force win could be awarded to your opponent. 

When a game is arranged please post when it is being played in the group chat and tag a commissioner. 

Players must keep notifications for mentions turned on in the Facebook group chat and have all commissioners added on Facebook messenger.

 Players are to be mindful of their conduct when messaging other players. Abusive behaviour will lead to suspensions or removal from the league. 


Preseason games do not have to be streamed although we recommend it. 

All regular and post season games, including vs CPU, must be streamed and archived. However if the stream is affecting gameplay quality it can be cut. 

All active streams must be shared in the group chat. 

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